I have been learning to use Unity3D since October 2017 and so far absolutely love it. I have a degree in Architecture and begun to pursue that as a career but quickly became disheartened by the lack of creativity there was out there in the real world as opposed to the theory and design done at university. Some years later, and following a serious cycling accident that put me out of work for some months, I decided to give programming a go without a real idea of which direction to go. I had a lot of fun doing codewars/codingame challenges but thought perhaps going along the web design route and learned HTML/CSS/JS.
Until I came across Unity and had a play on that - and that changed everything. It reignited my initial architectural spark as it is an engine very similar to the 3d design programs I used to use, but with the abillity to add code and bring everything to life - no limits.
I am currently developing games/learning concepts and skills part time but would love to go full time at any opportunity.
Watch this space for new games or follow me on twitter @dnathrider or my blog: myunityjourney.wordpress.com.
Feedback is always very much appreciated!